Family Line 1 Group A:  from; NJ, Canada, NY, MO, KS, MI, WI, IA, IL, CA Descendants of James Everingham b.abt 1755 to 1760, from New Jersey and wives Chloe Dell b.1759 and Catherine Lemon b.1776. James is currently the only "Known" Everingham who fought on the side of the British in the Revolutionary War. This family line makes up most of the 100's of Everingham's found on this web site from the 18th century to present time. Some of the 1700 and 1800's family's were very large. This family line makes up 9 to 10 generations of Everingham families living mostly in the United States and Canada. some photos on this family
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| 14 children |
| 4 children |
| 11 children |
| 12 children |
| 10 children |
| 9 children |
this family line is too extensive to list more in a "tree" manor here. SOME FAMILIES DESCENDED FROM LINE #1; |
Andrew Everingham (b.1808) & Elizabeth DELL & Susannah DELL
James Everingham (b.1804) & Nancy MATHEWS, pioneers of Crowland Twsp, Ontario.
Reverend John Stoughton Everingham & Jane M. COWLES & Mary LAMPHERE.
Lyman A. Everingham (b.1844) & Angeline HORNER family of NY, MI, & CA.
Robert Everingham (b.1850) & Margaret CLINGERMSMITH's descendants.
Hiram Everingham (b.1826) & Charlotte LYMBURNER's descendants.
Eugene Delorne Everingham (b.1860) & Harriet F. GETTY's Descendants of MI.
Charlie Ervingham (b.1884) & Clara GRAVES descendants of Michigan.
Civil War Vet William Everingham & Elizabeth SPROULS descendants.
Adoram D.E. Everingham (b.1848) & Harriet EASTMAN's descendants.
Family Line 2 Group B: NJ ----"EVERNHAM" Descendants of Benjamin Everingham b.1764 and wife Elizabeth Parce b.1768. This family was from New Jersey, USA and most of them remained there, even today. This is a family line full of Sea Captains and business men. This line Fragments in the 1800's where it seems some of the EVERINGHAM men changed their last names to EVERNHAM!... thus starting a new surname for reasons unknown. Some of the fragments of this line ended up with the last name Evernham, Everham and some Everingham, by the mid 20th century, this family line was thinned to small groups.
This is the "Somewhat" famous 18th Century Australian Historical line of "Matthew James Everingham" b.1769, immortalized in a 1988 issue of National Geographic magazine. Descendants of Matthew make up many of the Everinghams in Australia today. A summarized transcript of his court case is included on this main page.NOTE: This family group will no longer be updated here... A seperate AUSTRALIAN Everingham web site will be available in the future. If we can find someone to organize it!
Descendants of ?___ Everingham born in England. William and his brother John came with their father from England in 1832. Their "American" families started in the United States at that point. This family remained mainly around the State of New York.
? Everingham b. in England currently no other info |
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Family Line 5: NY some identified as: EVRINGHAM Descendants of Revolutionary War Patriot Jonathan Everingham born about 1764 and wife Nancy Everingham b.1767. This line represents about 9 generations of Everinghams mainly in the "New York" area of the United States. This family line is much smaller in terms of number of children, than some of the others family lines on this web site. Some researchers believe that John was brother to James (Family Line 1).
Jonathan "John" Everingham (b.1764/65) married Nancy Everingham (b.1767) |
| several generations of this family from 18th century to current time. |
Mary Everingham b. 1814 John's Twin |
John Everingham b. 1814 married: Sarah Newlin d.1878 |
Rhoda Everingham married: John E. Decker |
Abigail Everingham b. 1820 |
Joseph Everingham b. 1837 |
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Descendants of Enoch Everingham b.1783 in New Jersey and Tryphenia Kitchell b.1785. Their son John Everingham b.1814 OH, and wife Sarah Newlin's family. This family line represents 6 or more generations of Everingham's mainly in the Illinois area of the United States in the 18-1900's.
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Gilbert Everingham Phoebe Delaplaine |
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Descendants of Gilbert Everingham b.mid 1700's in Monmouth New Jersey, and Phoebe Delaplaine b.1752. This group often went by the spelling EVERINGHIM This is a family from New York who were involved in the seaman/seacaptain and sea-merchant line of work (in some areas of this family). Gilbert was a very early and successful American Textile Merchant. Parts of this family ended up in Australia or New Zealand by the mid 1800's. This link represents 6 or more generations.
Descendants of Enoch and Eunice Everingham of New York, Michigan, Kansas, and mostly Indiana, and Pennsylvania. Enoch was a shoemaker in PA. His son Moses was the fist of Eight Children, and Moses also had Eight Children. This family represents 7 or more generations of Everinghams living in the United States.
William Everingham Elizabeth Willis |
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Descendants of William EVERINGHAM b.~1765 and Elizabeth Willis. This family begins with their marriage 1786 in Maryland. Although most Everinghams lived in NJ, or to the north, This family was a SOUTHERN Everingham family and probably supported the Rebel forces in the Civil War. Sometime during the next generation of this family, the surname became "EVERNGAM". Read Mike Everngam's research on this family. (MS Word Document) Updated Research and theories about the name EVERNGAM
Medieval Families Genealogical Department 50 E. North Temple St. Salt Lake City, UT | Ancestors & Descendants of Robert Everingham born between 1196 and 1205, and wife Isabel De Birkin b.~1209. This line represents about 15 or more generations of Everingham's in 12-15th century England. This line includes Everingham's and related family who were high society, including "Lords, Knights, and Baron's". The Everingham family lived distinguished, privileged lives among the English upper-class & royals for 500 or more years,...from the 12th century or earlier, through the 16th century. (about LORD EVERINGHAM of LAXTON)
John Tomlinson Everingham was born in England in 1814, and later immigrated to Canada where he married and raised a family. His descendants ended up in the United States and Canada.
Ezekiel Everingham Ann Journee |
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Ezekiel Everingham was born in New Jersey in 1797, and later immigrated to OHIO with wife Ann JOURNEE and raised a family. His descendants stayed around OHIO through the 19th century and many remain there today. Early records give the name as: EVERINGHAM, EVRINGHAM, or EVERNHAM. The Fletcher Cemetery in Miami County, Ohio has this family buried under all 3 spellings.
Frances Everingham & Ann Royce were married and had children in England. Sometime around 1836 or 1837 they immigrated to Rensselaer County, New York and some moved to the Pennsylvania and Massachusetts area. This family is tracked from that point.
(Everinghams not linked to other family groups above YET)
Family of: