fact sources and writings about this individual:
Jeremiah is listed as a farmer in the 1850, Salem Co, NJ Census
1Judy Mallchok (Oregon, USA)
21850, Salem Co, NJ Census
31830 Cumberland NJ Census (Evenham)
4Info from search ordered Cumberland NJ from Ann J. Everingham
Research of Kevin Everingham of MI, 2011, updated 2016
1856 West-Jersey Pioneer Newspaper, Bridgeton, NJ, Oct 4, 1856.. "The Third Annual Exhibition of the Cumberland County Agricultural Society held in Bridgeton.. list of exhibitions include; Buckwheat by Jeremiah Everingham.. Cranberries by Jeremiah Everingham. and Corn displayed by many including; Jeremiah Everingham, and a corn stalk by I.B. Mulford that was 16ft, 5 inches high."
1860 U.S. CENSUS Fairfield twp., Cumberland, NJ (Page 101 & 102, July 17, 1860, family #811).. "Jeremiah Everingham 45, farmer,.. Margt Everingham, 44,.. Michael S. Everingham 16,.. William H. Everingham 15,.. Tho W. Everingham 12,.. Geo. W. Everingham 12,.. Susanna Everingham 10,.. Hannah D. Everingham 8,.. Albert B. Everingham 5,.. Susana Swing 75 "likely Margaret's mother",.. Anna Smith 25."
1863 The Pioneeer Newspaper, Bridgeton, New Jersey, Nov. 7, 1863.. "Farm for sale, situated on the road leading from Cedarvivlle to Millville and about five miles from each place and eight miles from Bridgeton. 107 acres. There is on this place 2 acres of cranberries which has yielded 80 dollars per acre. There is a peach orchard of 100 trees. Also Apple and other fruit trees. The dwelling is a two story 16 by 20 feet with three rooms on the lower floor and kitchen back with a cellar under a part of the house. large barn, wagon house and other out-buildings. - Jeremiah W. Everingham." Oct 17th.
1865 STATE CENSUS Bridgeton, Cumberland County, NJ (Ward 3).. "Jeremiah W. Everingham,.. Margaret Everingham,.. James Everingham,.. Michael S. Everingham,.. William H. Everingham,.. Thos W. Everingham,.. Geo W. Everingham,.. Susanna A. Everingham,.. Hannah D. Everingham,.. Albert B P Everingham."
1870 U.S. CENSUS Millville, Cumberland, NJ (June 18, 1870, Page 23, family #169).. "Jerey Everingham 54, farming, b.NJ,.. Margaret, 53,.. Thomas 23, tracker,.. Susanna 19,.. Albert 15."
1880 U.S. CENSUS Millville, Cumberland, NJ (Sheet 466C) "Richard Lutes 31,.. Susanna Lutes 30, wife,.. Sarah M. Lutes 7, daughter,.. Roland Lutes 4, son,.. Jeremiah Everingham 64, father-in-law,.. Frank Lutes 18, brother."
1885 STATE CENSUS Millville, Ward 3, Cumberland, NJ (family #132, Page 23) .. Richard Lutes,.. Susanna Lutes,.. May Lutes,.. Warren Lutes,.. Jeremiah W. Everingham "father-in-law"
51886 Death Cert:
Jeremiah W. Everingham, 72, carpenter, born, Fairfeild, Cumb.
Co., NJ, died 27 August 1886 of valvular heart disease. Parents
James Everingham, born USA, Hannah Everingham, born Cumb. Co.,
NJ. Death occurred at last residence, 123 Broad St., Millville.
Burial at Fairton (Swings) Cemetery. Undertaker T.S. Simmons
Bros, Millville.