GREAT GIFT IDEAS! Family Books Everinghams of the Civl War with photos documents, genealogy research and more!or.. Stories, Legends, and news articles about the Everingham family. Read about accidents, murder, pirates & more! IMPACT is a 108 pg. Hard Covered civil war book about Everinghams. TALES is a 62 pg. paperback coffee-table book about Everinghams, Published by this web site. Sales support this web site!
Everingham Family History Vol.1 (c)2024 is a 634 pg history of the descendants of James Everingham, U.E.L. of New Jersey, Canada, New York, Michigan and elsewhere in the U.S. An extensive genealogy of those descendants with some photos, newspaper clippings, and various records. Also contains transcribed documents used in this publication of each person.
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