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This web site is mainly funded by Everingham family researcher: Kevin Everingham of MI. I am not wealthy, I support this site because, like others, I want to learn more about our family. Please help us learn more about this family with your support.
- I need your research (I always try to list the sources of everything I put on this family site. This site is not about 'me' it's about making information available to open up as many avenues as we can towards discovering more family history.)
- I need & welcome your advice (This web site costs me about $200 per year to keep it online, not including the hundreds of hours of upkeep work.) I have maintained this site since 1999. I like where the site is currently hosted because it's never down (offline), I don't need to bother people with ADs and SPAM that we would get from cheap FREE web hosts. Do you have suggestions for other options?, or suggestions to improve this web site?
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| Total donations 1999 to 2021 =
$35 Also thanks in 2022 - T. Kuyper $50
A HUGE THANK YOU to all of the family researchers, historians and genealogists who have given so much of their time and information to help all of us find out more about the Everingham family! Your contributions are greatly appreciated. This is one of the finest family history sites on the Internet because of the efforts of many family and friends!