Occ; Miller
b.abt born May 1827 Layfayette, NY
d.March 1895 Fayetteville, NY
Mary Ann GRANT (d.22 Jul 1888)
Samuel EVERINGHAM (b.1795)
children: EVERINGHAM

  1. Theodore Orville (b.~1847)
  2. Anna Louise (b.~1850)
  3. William "Pete" (b.~1854)
  4. Alice (b.~1856)
  5. Hiland (b.~1859)
  1. Walter (b.1821)
  2. William (b.~1822-25?)
  3. Hannah (b.~1829)
  4. Charles (b.~1830)
  5. Angelina (b.~1831)
  6. Smith (b.~1833)
  7. James (b.~1834)
  8. John (b.1835)
  9. Chet (b.~1840)
fact sources and writings about this individual:

1Information supplied by Ann J. Everingham.
2Research below from Kevin Everingham, 1999-2003.
see some 2011 research on Theodore & Louisa (George & Mary's son)

This is a tricky reading... I believe that George, his wife Mary and their son Orville are all living with his mother Sarah here;
1850 CENSUS Manlius, Onondaga, NY (#592) ... Sarah Bradley 47,.. William Evingham 25, teamster,.. Geo Evingham 23, miller,.. Mary A. Evingham 25,.. Hannah Evingham 21,.. Angelina Evingham 19,.. Smith Evingham 17, boatman,.. John Evingham 12,.. Chet Evingham 10,..Orville T. Evingham 2. three homes away (#595) from Walter & Saloma Evingham.

1855 STATE CENSUS Manlius, Onondaga, NY (Page 407, family #302) .. George Everingham 28,.. Marian Everingham 30,.. Theodore 8, son,.. Anna L. 4, dau,.. William 1, son.

1860 U.S. CENSUS Manlius, Onondaga, NY, (page 81 family 570)
"EVRINGHAM" George 38,.. Mary A. 35,.. Theodore 12,.. Anna L 9,.. William 6,.. Alice 4,.. Hilan 1.

1865 State CENSUS, Manlius, Onondaga, New York (household #61, line #32).. "George Evringham 38, laborer, married once,.. Maryann 40, wife, married once, mother of 5,.. Orville J. 18,.. Anna 14,.. William 11,.. Allice 9,.. Highland 6."

1870 CENSUS Manlius, Onondaga, NY ...(#458) George Everingham 43,.. Mary A. 45,.. William 16, laborer,.. Alice 13,.. Highlann 11.... same page (3 homes away) from Walter & Saloma Everingham's family., also near his sister "Hannah's" family.

1875 New York State CENSUS (Page 51, family #151) George Everingham 48,.. Mary A. 50,.. William 21, son,.. Alice 19, dau,.. Hiland 16, son.

A story appears in the DeRuyter Newspaper Oct, 11, 1883 that claims George Everingham of High Bridge had been arrested and held for the action of the Grand Jury on a charge of an attempted outrage on Maria Stoutenger. That story also said that High Bridge is a hamlet about a mile north of Manlius and has the name of being inhabited by pretty hard citizens. -- Follow-up research found that court case was actually for WILLIAM Everingham, not his father George;
1883 The Weekly Recorder, Fayetteville, Onondaga, NY, Nov 22, 1883.. "Trial of William Everingham of High Bridge, indicted for a felonious assault on Maria Stotenger in September last. The trial was concluded Wednesday afternoon when the jury returned a verdict of not guilty. The verdict gives general satisfaction. Any sensible person who reviewed the evidence given at the examination before the justice in the this village must have been convinced that there was grave doubt of the defendant's guilt and he was entitled to the benefit of that doubt as a matter of law. The accused was an object of sympathy in the sight of fair-minded people, not because he was less likely to commit the crime than others, but because advantage was taken of his lack of education and social standing by unscrupulous persons to make him the object of their malice and secure conviction."

1888 Fayetteville Weekly Recorder Newspaper, July 26, 1888 ... A Life of usefulness ended. The sudden death of Mrs. George Everingham who departed this life on Sunday last after an illness of but four days, is a severe shock to an extensive circle of relatives and friends. Mrs. Everingham was married to the husband who survives her, in 1847, her maiden name being Grant. She was born in the town of Pompey. Five children survive her; Theodore M. Everingham, Mrs. Louise Washburne; both of whom are married and have homes of their own, and William, Alice and Hilan Everingham who reside with the father at High Bridge. The funeral was held at the old Union church at High Bridge and service conducted by Rev. Philo Cowles of the Fayetteville M.E. church. A large attendance of relatives and friends manifested the deep affection with which the deceased was regarded and beautiful floral gifts surrounded the casket. Her memory will long be cherished by those who were the recipients of her kindness.

same paper... DEATHS - EVERINGHAM - At her late residence, near High Bridge, on Sunday, July 22d, Mary Ann, wife of George Everingham, aged 63 years. Funeral on Tuesday, Interment in Fayetteville cemetery.

1895 Syracuse Herald-Journal, April 2, 1895, page 8.. "Fayetteville, April 2 - The funearl of George Everingham who recently suffered a second stroke, from the effects of which he died on Friday afternoon, was held on Sunday afternoon. The bearers were three sons, Theodore of Manlius, William of DeWitt, and Hiland. The deceased was born in May 1827 in the town of Lafayette. In 1847 he married Miss Mary Ann Grant who died in 1888. Five children were born, three sons and two daughters. Mr. Everingham was a Miller by trade and followed this business until the beginning of last winter."

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