BASIC ASP Version. Allows your site visitors to email their page code to you! This is for web sites running on a Windows Platform that has access to a CGI bin. See an example of the (BASIC ASP or PHP Pages made by this version of Web Genes.)
BASIC PHP Version. Allows your site visitors to email their page code to you! This is for web sites running on a UNIX or similar Platform that can run PHP Scripts. You also must have access to a CGI bin.
HUGE! USGenWeb Version! Allows your site visitors to email their page code to you, and has been specially designed to work with MIGenWeb web sites! This is for web sites running on a WINDOWS or similar Platform that can run ASP Scripts. You also must have access to a CGI bin. (see example of this setup) | See an example of the (unique MIGenWeb Sheets made by this version of Web Genes.)
BASIC Non Email Version. Allows your site visitors to generate their own page code, but they can not email it anywhere. This is the easiest to use and in most cases can be used on ANY SERVER since it does NOT require access to a CGI bin. This ZIP file contains HTML, ZIP & Graphics files.
- Want to develop your own mailer? We would be glad to add your mailer or utility if you have a way to enhance WEB GENES. Let us know if you have improvements ;
email your idea/code We will list your utility here with your copyright information.
Choose the version you need.