Captain Joseph CROWELL Lieutenant Samuel LEONARD Prisoner Ensign Xenophon JOUETT on Command at Deckers ferry Sgt Reuben GREEN Sgt William SPROULS Recruiting in New York Sgt John STINE Cpl Christopher SHEAK With Col. FERGUSON Cpl Roulan BUNTIN Cpl John USTICE Invalid’d Drummer Philip DAIR 5 Augt. 1780 Joel CLARK William BRITTON Henry DILL Sick in Quarters Allen WAGER do Jonas JONSTON Cornelius BOGART Coonrod RICKMIRE Francis LOVELET Andrew RYON John PARKS James DAVISON George BOYLS William PEPPER On board the Crane Galley William DONMEADS William SILK On board the Philadelphia Galley James LINSEY on guard Thomas COYN John McCOWN At the Cattle Guard Patrick WELSH John BURK William SIPPLE Robert SLYE On board the Philadelphia Galley Thomas McCORMICK John HUGHEY Emanuel EVANS Isaac PRATT Robert THOMPSON Ret’d from Desertion 20 July 1780 James EVERINGEM 5 Augt. 1780 Elijah QUICK On Command with Col. FERGUSON Robert ERWIN do Daniel McCOY do Henry BURGHER do William FLANAGAN Sick in Quarters Anthony PAYN Sick in ye General Hospital Arthur HAZEN Lame in Quarters William OWENS Dead 10 Augt. 1780 John INSLEY Was taken Prisoner 18 Feby. 1777 & Return’d 1 Sept. 1780- gone to join the 3rd Battn. N.J. Volunteers John ERWIN 7 Sept. 1780 Homes THROGMORTON Prisoner John TAYLOR do Stout HOLMES do John JONES do |