DECEASED NAME: Mary Everingham | SEX F | DATE OF DEATH: Feb 25, 1880 |
PLACE OF BIRTH: Dunnville Ontario | Place of Death: Onondaga Township | AGE 14 years 9m. | Date of Birth: n/a |
OCCUPATION: --- | City of DEATH: Onondaga Township | County of DEATH: Brant |
ADDRESS: Onondaga Township | Registrar & Date of Registration: Ira Everingham, Feb 26, 1880 |
PARENTS | FATHER: Ira Everingham (not actually fa) | MOTHER: -- |
Informant | Informant: Ira Everingham | Address: Onondaga, Ontario |
| IMMEDIATE CAUSE: Consumption | INTERVAL: 6 mo. | CAUSE: --- | INTERVAL: - | CAUSE: --- | INTERVAL: - | PHYSICIAN: Dr. Smith |
BURIAL | All Burial Information: Religious Denomination; Methodist."Ira Everingham was listed as father however, he was an older brother. Ira was 15 when Mary was born. May have been listed as father because her mother was dead and Ira was raising her. " |