married: James EVERINGAME (b.~1730) married June 2, 1754 Dutch Reformed Church, Machackemeck, Minisink Twp, Orange, NY 6 or married June 2, 1754 Rochester, Monroe, NY 7 married: Hugh SHELLET (Jan 6, 1759) ie "Huged SORRAD" |
parents: Thomas QUICK ( 1690 NY) Grietje "Margriete" DEKKER (b.4 Oct 1691)married 22 Dec 1713 Kingston Dutch Reformed Church, Ulster Co. NY |
fact sources and writings about this individual:
1IGI File submissions: Harold Doud, Fred Rosencrance, Verla Taylor, Raymond Anderson, Ronald Riley
2Information from Ann J. Everingham & IGI #2034875
3LDS IGI File #445783, 456764, 0820079
4Pedigree Resource File CD#6 Pin733735
5FamilyTreeMaker site (Descendants of Theunis Thomaszen Quick) x
6IGI #0599307, #0884504
7IGI #0820079
Random Information may be related or not:Deserted from the Independent Company of Rangers raised in New-Jersey by Captain Ogden, the following Men, viz. Thomas Hamilton, but formerly went by the Name of Thomas Burck, and often changes his Name; He is 6 Feet high, round shouldered, and a Blacksmith by Trade. Benjamin Moore, 5 Feet 10 Inches high; and William Davis, 5 Feet 10 Inches high, both of Broustown, in New-Jersey. John Wickwire, 5 Feet 8 Inches high, lived at a Place called Pursage. Thomas Quick, 6 Feet 6 Inches high, lived at the Union Iron Works. Whoever takes up and secures any of the above Deserters, so that they may again join their respective Company, shall have Five Pounds reward, and reasonable Charges, paid, by Amos Ogden, Captain. The New York Mercury, May 26, 1760.