fact sources and writings about this individual:
Photo sent to the family web site and identified by Ronald Mesnard, 2009
11840 Onondago NY census index 30-40 shows DOB as 1805, 1860 census shows 1803
2Lafayette Cemetery Onondaga Co. NY
(info from Ronald Mesnard) Samantha MESNARD was born June 19, 1809. The Mesnards were very religious and successful. They would have been upstanding citizens and probably Masons. Smantha's maternal grandfather was at least the head of a lodge. His tavern still stands. When it was renovated secret doors were discovered that hid Masonic symbols marking the tavern as a Masonic building. Luther has a Masonic mark on his grave. I believe the Bakers were Masons and possibly so were the Everinghams.
All research below transcribed by Kevin Everingham of MI, 2012;
1806 Records of the Congregational Church of Greenfield, N.Y. (Page 31)... "Wednesday, Feb 12, 1806, Married Mr. Andrew Mesnard to Miss Rebecca Hoit." from other's research it is probable that Andrew previously had children with and was married to Mary Hoit, possible cousin of Rebecca.
1850 CENSUS Lafayette, Onondga, NY (home #502)... Enoch Evingham 47, b.NY,.. Samantha Evingham 40, b.NY,.. Rensalear Evingham 15, b.NY,.. Enoch Evingham 10, b.NY,.. Francis M. Evingham 17, b.NY,.. Olive Clark 21, b.NY.
1855 STATE CENSUS Lafayette, Onondaga, NY (Page 126, family #114)... Enoch Evrinham 52, b.Onondaga, farmer,.. #### (illegible) Everinham 45, wife, b.Sentige?,... Frances Everinham 22, b.Onondaga,.. Rencilaer Everinham 20, b.Onondaga,.. Ward W. Everinham 3, b.Onondaga. son - Enoch D. had died the previous year.
1856 Blain Cemetery, Cutlerville, Kent Co. Michigan... "Andrew Mesnard (b.1775-d.1856), Rebecca Mesnard (b.~1773 d.1869)... also buried here are: Enoch Mesnard (1840-1907), Jasper Mesnard (1854-1855), Lovisa Mesnard (b.1818 d.1893), Mary Mesnard (b.1852), Rensellaer Mesnard (b.1815, d.1866)"
1860 CENSUS LaFayette, Onondaga, NY (page 78, house #665)... Enoc Evingham 57, b.NY,.. Samantha Evingham 49, b.NY,.. F.M. Evingham 27, b.NY,.. Renseler Evingham 25, b.NY,.. W.W. Evingham 8, b.NY,.. Julia Caniff 19, b.IRE,.. Cyrus Branch 59, b.NY,.. Diama Evingham 18, b.NY.
1870 CENSUS Onondaga, Onondaga, NY (Aug 17, 1870, Page 104) ... Francis Everingham 37, farmer, realestate value 20,000 ... Deidami Everingham 29, keeping house,.. Rensellaer 6,.. Hattie C. 4,.. Eva L. 1,.. Enoch Everingham 68, farmer,... Jason Stearns 23, farm laborer. Samantha had died April 1869.
1875 STATE CENSUS of Lafayette, Onondga, NY (Page 2 & 3)... Enoch Evringham 73,... Vasta Evringham 65... no other details... did Enoch re-marry after Samantha's death? This was just over a year before his death. This census is not detailed enough and I find no other newspaper or marriage records.
information from research of historian J. Roy Dodge, 1991
"On May 27, 1830 Enoch Everingham, who had removed to the town of Manlius with one of his older brothers, returned to LaFayette. He purchased sixty acres, adjacent to his brother's old home, on lot #91. This was a mortgage foreclosure by decree of the Master of Chancery, Abijah Yelverton, against Frederick and Rufus Freeman. (Bk. UU P.51) Upon this acreage Enoch lived from 1830 and in the year 1844, or so it is said, built the large house still standing thereon. "